So, I went to the doctor last week (first time in over 10 years)... Not "The Doctor" since he is a fictitious character... but a doctor with what turned out to be a sinus infection and when I received the full report in the mail yesterday it said that I was overweight. I knew that I had put on a little fat with the winter we've been having but overweight... yikes! It's true though. I weigh more th an I ever have weighed and to be honest with myself I feel quite "flabby" right now. The doctor's report, being flabby with more than just a little "winter fat" has motivated me to: Eat less, eat better, and exercise regularly (even if I have to do it indoors). After all, my body is the temple of the Lord and should be used to glorify Him. It's difficult to do that when I am not taking good care of myself. Ideally, I'd like to get fit, toned, ripped whatever you want to call it. In the process I hope to loose like 14 lbs. Additionally, I ...