I woke up around 5:30 this morning, which is the time my body is used to waking up everyday. Made some hot tea and grabbed a banana and came out on the back deck of our condo. I am too excited and didn’t think that I would be able to go back to sleep with the fantastic view of the sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean right outside my door. Yesterday, we arrived here in St. Augustine around 3pm after a very long twenty-some-odd hours in the minivan. We found the condo with no problems. But we needed to go a few miles down the street to the office to check in. So, after checking in and getting unloaded Kyleigh and I walked down the the beach to see the ocean. The water temperature was a little cool.. Somewhere in the low seventies I would say. She was so excited to see the white sand and feel how soft it was under her bare feet. As we headed back to the boardwalk to come back to the condo and figure out our next move we saw Brandy walking toward us. She joined us on the beach and ste...